Message from our Superintendent
and School Leader
Sonya Loggins
Families, Students, and Community!
With great pleasure I welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year
at Ann Jerkins-Harris Academy of Excellence. We look forward to collaborating with families again to help children tap into their leadership potential. All children can be leaders and shine bright!
Our name states that we intend to tap into their leadership with EXCELLENCE.
At AJHAE, we provide students with everything they need to succeed in any way they lead. These skills include goal setting and planning, working with others, appropriate study and critical thinking skills, and learning to use their voice to be understood so others will listen to their message.
Our Founder, Ann Jerkins-Harris, believed in educating the whole child. If children feel cared for, safe, respected, and that they belong, they will be comfortable taking risks, trying hard, and working to reach their potential. We take a personal approach to learning so that each student will access their potential. Student progress is monitored daily and adjusted to meet the needs of each learner. Teachers foster a desire to learn and grow with personal and community celebrations of growth.
Education at AJHAE is a team effort that includes students, families, and educators.
We encourage family input and look forward to parental involvement to help all students succeed. Parents are their child’s first and primary teachers, and we work diligently to support you in educating your child.
Thank you for your partnership.
This is a four-way partnership for success:
The child, the family, the community, and the school.
I look forward to our partnership for student success.
Mrs. Sonya R. Loggins
Superintendent/ School Leader