PBIS + Leader in Me = A Winning Combination
Leader in Me and PBIS share important goals and approaches, which may be why a growing number of PBIS schools implement LiM to drive long-term improvements in school culture and student behavior.
Leader in Me (LiM) is a schoolwide transformation process that builds social emotional skills, a strong sense of belonging, and positive student-teacher and student-student relationships. This is shown to be one of the most effective methods for helping students, especially those who exhibit negative behaviors.
LiM supports PBIS by:
Infusing leadership into prevention and intervention practices.
Championing a supportive school culture in designing and establishing systems.
Equipping staff and students to become more effective in collecting and evaluating data.
The Ann jerkins Harris academy of Excellence promotes a whole-school transformation model --developed in partnership with our educators-- empowering students to become leaders in a changing world.
Our curriculum is based on the powerful premise --that every child possesses unique strengths and has the ability to be a leader-- and therefore shapes the views of staff to value and develop the whole child.
ajhae integrates leadership development into existing school programs, curriculum, and traditions in a seamless way.
At ajhae we are focused on improving relationships, transforming culture, and motivating all staff members and students.


What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for positive behavioral interventions and supports or systems.
It is an evidence-based, three-tiered framework that focuses on identifying, acknowledging, and encouraging positive student behaviors, rather than punishing students for negative behaviors.
PBIS fosters a learning environment where educators are actually teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors, instead of just punishing students for misbehaving.
Students can only meet behavioral expectations when they know what the expectations are, and positive behavioral interventions and supports recognizes that.
It’s not uncommon for students to struggle with behavior while at school, especially when they’re unsure of what’s expected of them. If educators only respond by punishing them, students won’t develop the social-emotional skills they need to make positive changes in the future.
By identifying and supporting desired behaviors, this framework helps educators and school administrators in supporting students and improving school climate.
At its heart, PBIS works to give students specific behaviors that help create a positive school climate. It is a framework rather than a curriculum, and can be tailored to fit the needs and expectations of individual schools or districts.
Some guiding principles include:
Students can learn behavioral expectations for different situations
Students learn expected behaviors for school settings through explicit instruction and opportunities to practice and get feedback
Early intervention can prevent more serious behavior problems
Every student is different, so schools need to offer varying types of behavior support
The way schools teach behavior should be based on research and science
Tracking a student’s behavioral progress is key
Schools gather and use data to make decisions about behavior interventions
School staff are consistent in how they encourage expected behavior and how they discourage infractions
PBIS: Three tiers of behavior support
PBIS is based on three tiers of behavior support, and each tier is targeted to a specific group of students within a school. Because of its multi-tiered framework, it is considered to be an example of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS).
Tier 1: Universal prevention (support for all)
Tier 1 is very important, because it sets the foundation for all the other levels of support within a school. This is where behavior expectations are defined by a school and taught to students. Tier 1 is aimed at the student body as a whole.
Tier 2: Targeted prevention (support for some)
Tier 2 is for the students who need some extra support. The most important aspect of this tier is identifying the students who really need Tier 2 support. Often, schools will provide Tier 2 behavior support to a group of students with similar targeted behavior needs.
Tier 3: Intensive, individualized prevention (support for a few)
Tier 3 is the most intensive level of behavior support. This tier is designed for students who display very disruptive and dangerous behaviors. This level of student behavior support usually relies on formal assessments to determine student needs and to develop a personalized support plan.

What is the Leader in Me program?
Leader in Me is a whole school improvement model that uses teaching practices to promote social and emotional learning for students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.
At AEE we seek to instill in the hearts of our scholars, staff and families the power of critical thinking, using one’s voice, and taking ownership to solve problems. This culture of personal and public leadership enables individuals to reach their highest potential.
The Academy of Educational Excellence adopted since 2017 the Leader in Me program and the principles of Stephen Covey’s book The 8 Habits of Highly Effective People. It has become a widely used and highly successful leadership development program for major corporations, schools, and individuals around the world. The 8 Habits are introduced at the kindergarten level and incorporated in all learning and activities throughout the student, staff, and family experience at AEE. As the school year unfolds, scholars learn how to apply the 8 Habits to their daily life.
We believe these foundational principles are so important that we highly encourage students to use the same language and approach at home as they do at school. As the school and family connect in support of one another, our scholars form simple yet powerful habits. As a result, the leadership and life skills that develop become the backbone for success in life – college, career, citizenship and family.
Leader in Me aims to help students take ownership of their own learning.
We use the Leader in Me resources to fuel our curriculum for our empower hour. Which is 30 min, 4-5 times a week. And during that time, our teachers tap into the 7 Habits with our students. And it has been life changing.
Positive Behavioral and Intervention Supports (PBIS)
The Leader in Me (TLIM):
Common Goals and Reciprocal Support
What do PBIS and TLIM have in common? How do they differ?