Schoolwide Program Participant

Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.) was amended to read as follows:
What is Schoolwide Program?
A schoolwide program is a comprehensive reform strategy designed to ensure that all students, particularly those who are low-achieving, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement on State academic achievement standards.
A schoolwide program uses its Title allocation to upgrade the entire educational program of the school in order to raise academic achievement for ALL students at the school. No longer are students or teachers labeled “Title I,” but instead all students and all the teachers at the school use Title I dollars to improve the school’s entire academic program.
A schoolwide program is built upon schoolwide reform strategies rather than separate, add-on services. This schoolwide reform strategy requires that a school –
Conducts a comprehensive needs assessment;
Identify and commit to specific goals and strategies that address those needs;
Create a comprehensive plan; and
Conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of the schoolwide program and revise the plan as necessary.
Why “Go” Schoolwide?
For the lowest achieving students in the most impoverished schools to meet high standards, their entire instructional program, not just a separate Title I program, must be substantially improved.
When an entire school is the target of change, schools serving the most disadvantaged youth can achieve success.